Rabbit and Persimmon

By my elementary desk mate. Just look at the bunny’s eyes! He painted it to celebrate the Year of Rabbit. In China, all classroom seats are fixed so two will share desk for a whole year and sometimes several years. Our head teacher Ms Zhang put him next to me so I could “help” him. As you can see it took years of practice and people pay for such artwork. When I thumbed up on his social media, he immediately said “so you like the rabbit? Let me look for it and bring it over.”

I had a wonderful childhood in China. These friendships are my lifelong treasures.

The persimmon is the same type as the tree in our backyard in California. What a lucky coincidence!

Vegan Cuisine at Wenshu Temple in Chengdu(成都文殊院素餐)

Traditional Buddhist cuisine in China allows zero animal product. Even garlic and onion are not allowed cause they are considered mind-stirring.

Above: To use or discharge depends on the season; to emerge or hide depends on me.

First half is about cooking while second part is about life and even politics.

Many voices from One

Listen from 3:00.

A genius in ten million (so China has a couple thousand😂) Zhou Shen is Self taught.

1st death:He was bullied and discriminated after puberty because his voice didn’t go through Transformation to become a man. There was no place for such a “monster” on stage.

His parents sent him to Ukrain to be come a doctor 🤣 Thankfully his Ukrainian was too poor to follow so he quited…(Only if he had gone to an English country, he might have pulled through and this planet may have added a great doctor, what a loss!)

2nd death: Internet saved him. He released many songs in female voice and became a super star online but never showed his face…when his fans begged him again again, he showed his face but immediately was called “monster”, “pervert” by his loving fans…of course he fell into deep withdrawal..

3rd death: now TV discovered and invited him to talent show: mentors and new talents pick each other to form a team. His mentor, a very influential (but really accomplished) singer, fought to win him cause all other mentors wanted him too. Next stage she ditched him because “your look does not like a champion “. He is short (of course) and skinny; his face is not handsome. All audiences were outraged but TV is not internet—-it is a pyramid structure (one to many, top-down one way), not a network (many to many, two and many ways). He was heartbroken.

So his singing survived three murders…now age 30, he is called the national Treasure of China. He can sing in whatever voice he likes! And is able!

Of all the institutions humans have invented so far, Internet is perhaps as God as it could be.

If you have something good to offer, it will treat you fairly because it is, so far, the most race/gender/age/look/class/location blind and more