Mini Garden’s Big impact

Today’s harvest from my tiny mini garden: two kinds of green onion, two kinds of potatos and Asian celery.

I never intended to “grow a vegetable garden”, but before I know, there are over ten types of vegetables, herbs and fruits.

Potato, green onion, beet, chard, Asian celery, garlic greens, giant lima beans, rosemary, Italian basil, Thai basil, parsley, shishido pepper.

Fruit: strawberry (exactly 4 fruits for my investment 😂), avocado (from seeds), grapes (from cutting), white peach, donut peach, loquat (from seeds), fig (10+ fruits).

With such success with multiplying, I have to give away many cuttings, seedlings and even small trees in the past 14 months. All taker was so happy to bring the baby home.

When you like something, working is not labor but pure play.